
Classical Sass
Mosaic Playbill
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2016

Ever since I read C.S. Lewis’ series, ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’, and Ayn Rand’s whatevers (HUSH I WAS IN COLLEGE. I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT HYPOCRITICAL ASSHAT SHENANIGANS NO THAT’S NOT EVEN WHY I LIKED IT OK), I have been obsessed with writing a philosophical fiction novel.

I’m huge into sci-fi fantasy, so that’s the genre. It takes place in a different galaxy (yeah hi I so totally didn’t spend months writing out the galaxy nope. Totally not. Also totally not researching how orbits work and how flight works and what fencing is all about. Nope. Shhh) and focuses on the story of a young adult named Rhiss.

The human equivalents in the book have visible auras that reflect their emotions, or their true state. The species differs from humans in that if they are not authentic about their feelings, their auras become tainted, they become physically ill, and they eventually die (they typically have very long lives if their auras stay healthy).

These people are plagued by an enemy that cannot be defeated. Deterred, yes, but not permanently defeated. (They’ve been fighting for thousands of years.) Much of their training/basic schooling is based on how to operate in missions against these creatures.

[Ok, so I just reached panic attack mode where I’m worried about all kinds of things that probably don’t matter. Like, if I lay out the plot here, what if someone who is a much better and more efficient writer than me swoops it up and finishes it and oops I’ve only been sitting on this idea for like ten years. I could die. OMG PANICKING.]

So ok vaguely bc now I’m paranoid and panicking and being ridiculous, Rhiss has to make choices throughout that are based on whether or not she wants to keep her aura pure and fight a futile, endless, fight, or allow herself to become ‘tinged’ (sullied aura), give up her identity with her species (which in this book means her honesty and her core), and lose the interest of the creatures that attack her kind.

Ok the end.

PS there are dragons

PPS and sword fighting

MAJOR PPPS: this summary so helped me just focus on the book. Wow. This is a great exercise, Oliver!!!! (so many subplots and my attention span is small. This was so helpful.)

