Answer These 3 Questions For More Peace, Balance, And Happiness In Your Life

Taking action on these 3 questions can make life so much sweeter.

Marvin Marcano


As the song goes, Cash Rules Everything Around Me.

Yes, I know. We need to get the money. Once you build wealth, you can funnel it into other parts of your life.

Everyone’s focused on the money to the point where it’s getting stressful, overwhelming, and downright annoying.

For example, my Medium feed has turned into a circle jerk of “How I Made $10,000 in 30 Days Freelancing” or “How I Created 10 Passive Income Streams In 12 Months.”

Their goal is not to be clickbait but to “inspire” and “motivate” you to take action. But these articles only succeed in making everyone else feel like crap while the writers rack up Medium views for some extra coin.

These articles are a stark reminder.

But what about the other parts of our lives? Aren’t there other things we can do to get healthy, stay happy, and be more at peace? Yes, we would all love to wipe our tears with worthless dollar bills, but why have those tears in the first place?

There are things we can do to make our lives infinitely better, and it’s all down to spending time on the…



Marvin Marcano

Personal Development, Fereelancing, and Writing. Becoming a better person. You should too.