Going From Freelancer To Full-Fledged Business Owner

Thinking about moving from Self-Employed to Business Owner? These tips will help.

Marvin Marcano


You can be pretty content with freelancing. It can be a viable side hustle or fit into a particular lifestyle where you can work the hours or days you want. But what if you want to take it to the next level?

If you never read Rich Dad, Poor Dad — probably the biggest self-help/non-fiction book since Think and Grow Rich — you may have at least seen this diagram before:


The E and S on the left side stand for Employee and Self-Employed. With freelancing, you’re no longer an employee, but you are Self-employed. In both cases, if you stop working, the money stops coming.

The other side stands for Business Owner and Investor. This is the side some of us aim for. With a business, we can set up a system that makes money for us. If we take a day off, the people are still there working. And we can invest our profit into our business or other money-making enterprises.

If you’re unsure where to start, here are some tips to help take you from a freelancer to a…



Marvin Marcano

Personal Development, Fereelancing, and Writing. Becoming a better person. You should too.