How to Stop Living Other People’s Opinions of Your Life

Perception can be reality but only If you let it.

Melissa A. Matthews


Them: “You did!”

Me: “I didn’t!”

Them: “You will!”

Me: “I won’t!”

Them: “Why not? He’s cute.”

Me: “He is cute but he’s my friend”

Them: “You definitely did!”

Me: “I definitely, did not!” — an ongoing conversation between me and every girlfriend at Howard University Fall ‘06-’08 and beyond.

Today, I was thumbing through some old unpublished pages of mine looking for inspiration. In there, I found quite a bit about an old friend of mine. Not just any friend. This guy was my best friend for the better part of a decade. We loved each other in a way that mystified many around us, strangers, and friends alike.

For many years, he was the only man I trusted. He did what he said he was going to do. He was fiercely protective of me, we laughed and enjoyed each other's company. He was affectionate towards me, never missing an opportunity to tell me he missed me or to let me know that I meant a lot to him. My father, brother, nor any romantic partner at that point in my life could hold a candle to that type of consistency.

