Six Life Lessons From A Six Year Old

“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Melissa A. Matthews


Photo by author (Melissa A. Matthews)

A couple weeks ago, my mini-human turned six. Every year of her life, has crept up on me both too fast and too slowly. She is a force of nature — a natural leader and questioner of all things. Do you have kids? If not, just take a quick pause and ponder how annoying/ inconvenient that might be at times. Now, multiply that by ten and welcome to my life. However, no matter how inconvenient, annoying or taxing her disposition can be, in many ways she has been my greatest teacher. We are now sixteen days or so into six and she is dropping gems we didn’t know we needed. I promise you, these six lessons about life are valuable at any age…

#1 Having faith in other people is a strength

Two days ago, our apartment was burglarized. Thankfully, no one was injured and my daughter slept peacefully throughout the entire ordeal. When she awoke to find the lock missing from our security gate and my partner and I discussing what had occurred, she was calm and steadfast. “The police will find him and bring back our…

