Start of the Fall Semester

Matthew Hall
The Hacker Outpost
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2022

My name is Matthew Hall I am a full-time student studying Computer Science at Florida International University. Along with attending school, I also work full-time at the University of Florida as an IT Analyst. I think the hardest part about having a divided schedule is prioritizing all of the responsibilities. This is the start of the new semester, and I am taking a full class load of challenging courses, from system programming in C, to data structures and algorithms, and the class I’m looking forward to most is software engineering. At the start of every semester, it can be overwhelming to review the scheduled coursework and due dates, but you have to “keep calm and carry on”. Take every day as it comes, and pace yourself, you aren’t going to become a full stack engineer overnight. It’s easier said than done.

I think one of the most challenging aspects that come with this industry is the constant comparison to other students you work alongside, the rumors that float through the air about a student prodigy who has solved 600 “leetcode hards” and has a return offer at Google right after they graduate. It can be discouraging to hear especially while starting, it often makes me question if I’m even cut out to be a software engineer. While wrestling with doubts and insecurities, I’ll peruse Reddit looking for similar experiences and how they overcome incredible self-doubt. Often, I’m greeted with great reassurance, that the feeling I feel is quite common in this industry and the best thing to do, is take it day by day.

Picture of IDE for development



Matthew Hall
The Hacker Outpost

I am a Computer Science student, sharing my experiences, the pressures I’ve faced, and overall expectations in this industry.