Volunteer and Mentor Signups for HackRU Fall 2018!

Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2018

The Volunteer and Hacker eXperience (VHX) team is looking for volunteers and mentors for HackRU Fall 2018!

Volunteers are crucial for helping to make HackRU run smoothly. As a volunteer you will be working with all aspects of HackRU from food to day of activities.

  • Volunteers take shifts that span 3 hours and are only required to take one of these shifts (of course taking on responsibility doesn’t only benefit us, but also looks good when we are deciding leadership positions for the following HackRU!).
  • Volunteers get the privilege of getting a HackRU t-shirt before the general crowd!
  • Volunteers also get the opportunity to network with all the amazing people that make HackRU the best hackathon around.

So if you’re interested in being a volunteer please fill out the following Google form: https://bit.ly/2uZ5Irr

The VHX team is also currently looking for mentors to help teach and guide potential hackers on their projects — be it coding, or general theory.

  • Being a mentor comes with tons of benefits; you get free food, free swag, and your resume gets special treatment by companies like Facebook and Bloomberg!
  • We’ll only ask for you to help with what you know (i.e. if you only know Java, we won’t ask you to help projects with Python). You don’t have to be a computer science major to be a mentor.
  • You can pick & choose which times you would like to help! You can even build your own projects and hack!
  • We would love to have more mentors, so please come through and help us make HackRU an awesome place for everyone!

If you’re interested in being a mentor, use this link to sign up!: https://bit.ly/2LjL5RW

Send any questions you may have over to vhx@hackru.org! We look forward to meeting and working with you!

