Sign up to be an organizer for HackRU’s Volunteer & Hacker Experience team!

Published in
2 min readAug 30, 2018

Last semester (spring 2018) was my first one as a HackRU organizer.

My first HackRU was in spring 2017. I participated as a hacker, and although I wasn’t able to finish and submit a project, I had fun coding and debugging and meeting new people. A year later, I was helping to organize HackRU! I was encouraged by new friends I had made in the computer science community at Rutgers to become an organizer for HackRU. I applied and was accepted onto the Volunteer & Hacker Experience team (also known as VHX).

Our team had weekly meetings where we discussed how to get more volunteers and mentors to sign up. We brainstormed ways for volunteers to get to know the organizing team as well as their fellow volunteers. There were volunteer training sessions, where we played against each other in intense games of Google Feud. There was also the VHX mixer, one of my personal highlights of the semester, where volunteers, mentors, and organizers were able to meet each other! People showed off their impromptu speaking skills in Slideshow Karaoke and their drawing (and guessing, I guess) skills in Telestrations.

As an organizer, I saw the behind-the-scenes of planning and running a hackathon. HackRU is run by a whole bunch of teams that each have their own responsibilities. HackRU organizers dedicate a lot of time and effort to planning events, having meetings, reaching out to community members and companies, and ensuring that the hackathon is a safe and enjoyable event for everyone involved.

I love the sense of community that HackRU encourages. There are always people you can talk to and people who can help you (and people you can help too!). I always encourage people to participate in HackRU, whether as a hacker, volunteer, mentor, or organizer. No matter how you participate, you’ll be a part of a great community! :)

And wow, would you look at that? VHX is currently looking for organizers to join the team!

The link for the application is here:

Apply and take this opportunity to help out HackRU in a big way, gain experience as a leader of volunteers and mentors, network with the amazing people that make HackRU happen, and join an awesome community of learning and support. If you have any questions, shoot the VHX team an email at

Post by Emily Lau (Computer Science, Class of 2020). I’m currently an organizer for HackRU Fall 2018’s Volunteer & Hacker Experience (VHX) and Marketing & Design (MnD) teams!

