American Legion Post 38 75th Last Man’s Dinner continues to honors veterans and active duty personnel

The Haddonfield Sun
5 min readApr 14, 2015

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Last Man’s Club Officer Bill Olver of the Vietnam War, Officer Joe Ade of the Korean War, Officer Al Peak of WWII, Haddonfield American Legion Post 38 Commander Jon Batchelor and Officer Steve Pecorelli of the Gulf Wars stand together for a photo at the Last Man’s Dinner on April 6. The officers each gave an update on their charter at the Last Man’s Dinner to honor those who have passed.[/caption]

It has been 75 years since Haddonfield American Legion Post 38 hosted its first Last Man’s Dinner. Since its beginning, the purpose and meaning of the dinner have not changed. Veterans, families and friends come together to celebrate and honor those who have served and are currently serving.

“As commander, I think it is important to educate everyone about the importance of this dinner. We are honoring all veterans: those living, those deceased and those currently serving on active duty,” Post 38 Commander Jon Batchelor said.

The dinner was held at the Tavistock Country Club on Monday, April 6. At the 75th Annual Last Man’s Dinner, Batchelor emceed the proceedings, which included military honors, a special POW/MIA White Table Remembrance Service, the “Annual Service” honoring those members who have passed in the last year and performances by the “The Camden County Emerald Society Pipes and Drums.”

The Last Man’s Club dinner is a part of the American Legion’s four founding pillars — rehabilitation of the veteran and his family, Americanism, strong national defense, and mentoring of the youth and children.

The Last Man’s Club of Haddonfield American Legion Post 38 was chartered in 1940 by World War I veterans and was later expanded to include World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War veterans. Post 38’s Last Man’s Club is the only Last Man’s Club in New Jersey, according to Al Peak, former Camden County American Legion commander and WWII veteran.

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Haddonfield American Legion Post 38 Commander Jon Batchelor, left, presented a 70-year certificate to John Brownell with American Legion State Department Commander Mike Wilson. Brownell received the award for 70 years of service with the American Legion.[/caption]

The Last Man’s Club was organized to preserve the memories of American wars, to pay fitting tribute to departed comrades, to foster and perpetuate good fellowship, and to eat, drink and be merry. Every member of Post 38 is a member of the Last Man’s Club.

The 2015 Last Man Chapter club officers who presented that night were Peak for WWII, Joe Ade for the Korean War, Bill Olver of the Vietnam War and Steve Pecorelli of the Gulf Wars. Each man gave an update on his war’s charter.

This past year, nine members of Post 38 passed. They were Joseph E. Blizzard, William T. Campbell, John Cordner, Charles J. Kasse, Marie M. Leonard, Robert M. Shapleigh Sr. and Raymond F. Wallin of WWII, and David W. Diehl and Edward W. North of the Korean War.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to them and their families,” Peak said.

It was announced that Haddonfield has 30 Blue Star members, who are individuals serving in active duty. Those members include: Andrew Bean, Jeremy Bratcher, Karl Cheney, Will Dengler, Christian Dobush, Sloan Fisk, Jason Fitzgerald, Thomas E. Greene, Mark Hansberry, Holly Harrington, DW Jansky, Mathew Keeney, Steven Kempa, Jeffery Kirk, Rachael Manning, Michael Morissey, Devin Oakes, Robert O’Rourke, Michael Poyatt, Ryan Restepo, Michael Rivard, Henry Ryan, Walter Sandell III, Frank T. Schafer, Jonathan Smith, Christopher Tarbell, Chad Tenn, Leilani Tydingco, David Twitchell and Logan P. Vielehr.

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Haddonfield American Legion Post 38 Commander Jon Batchelor receives a flag flown on Mt. Suribachi from WWII and Iwo Jima battle veteran John Lauriello who returned to Iwo Jima 70 years later this year with his grandson Talon and son Paul, at right. The Lauriellos told those who attended the Last Man’s Dinner about their trip and invited those who wished to know more to their presentation, which was held on April 14.[/caption]

Highlights of the dinner included Jeff Bowman placing the POW-MIA flag on the chair to represent those listed as such; American Legion State Department Commander Mike Wilson giving his remarks on the event; John Brownell receiving a certificate for 70 years of service with the American Legion; Past Commander Dan Colombi giving the special POW/MIA White Table Remembrance Service; a brief description by John, Paul and Talon Lauriello of their trip to Iwo Jima; the “Annual Service” honoring those members who have passed in the last year; and performances by the “The Camden County Emerald Society Pipes and Drums.”

“I would like to thank you for the invitation and everyone for coming. This is my first time attending such an event and am really honored to be here. I wanted to be here for the 75th Last Man’s Dinner to preserve the memories of our departed comrades and to honor those now serving and to honor all veterans who continue to serve,” Wilson said.

At the end of the dinner, Batchelor thanked all who came. He hopes those who attended remember the names of those who have passed and those who are serving.

“I hope they understand the value of the veteran. Nothing is free; these guys have been through a lot. And when they’re done, they try to go on and make a living, try to have a good family and be a good senior citizen,” Peak said.

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Members of the Korean War and Korean Service Veterans Association attended Haddonfield American Legion Post 38’s Last Man’s Dinner on April 6.[/caption]

Many special guests were invited and attended the Last Man’s Dinner. Those who attended included present and past Haddonfield mayors and commissioners, Haddon Fire Department members, Haddonfield Police Department members, Haddonfield public schools faculty, Korean War & Korean War Service Veterans Association, Camden County American Legion officers and the American Legion Department of New Jersey.

“We invited a lot of the town and county. We get involved with a lot in town, and the borough is very cooperative. It is a very military conscious borough, and we’re glad to be a part of it,” Peak said.

For more information on Haddonfield American Legion Post 38, visit

