Commissioners approve ordinance for handicap parking, loading zone on first reading

The Haddonfield Sun
2 min readNov 1, 2016
boro hadd

Haddonfield commissioners approved an ordinance on first reading on Tuesday, Oct. 25 amending the borough code entitled “Vehicles and Traffic for Various Items.” The ordinance adds handicap parking spots and one loading zone.

The first amendment, according to the ordinance, is for two handicap parking spots for the North Haddon Avenue parking lot. Commissioner Neal Rochford said the handicap parking spots are already there, but for the borough to enforce them, they need to be put in an ordinance.

The loading zone would be located at 321 Springfield Terrace on the north side, starting 235 feet in an easterly direction from the intersection of Springfield Terrace and Potter Street along the northern curb line and continuing 20 feet to its end.

Rochford said a family located on Springfield Terrace has a child with special needs, and they have been having trouble getting their child to and from the bus.

“We made it a loading zone, so that area won’t allow vehicles to park in front of it, and it will make it easier for the child to make it from the house to the bus service and back again,” Rochford said.

The loading zone allows for 15 minutes of stopping for loading or unloading purposes, but no parking.

Next month, there is one commissioners meeting planned on Nov. 22 at 7:30 p.m. in Borough Hall, at which the public hearing and second reading will be held.

In other news:

• The final price for the Haddonfield Memorial High School stadium lights came in much more under budget than anticipated. Commissioners approved a change order of a $40,000 decrease, making the total $174,500.

• Commissioners approved free parking in downtown Friday, Nov. 28 through Dec. 25, with the exception of Kings Highway from Grove Street to the PATCO bridge from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Friday.

• A second Haddonfield Night Market was approved for Nov. 17 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. The last Night Market, a food truck event in September, was a great success, so the Partnership for Haddonfield wanted to have another one. A maximum of 19 food trucks are eligible to take part. The night will also include the Farmer’s Market set up in Kings Court.

• Commissioners approved Tom Parker-Boshell of Cherry Hill to become a member of the Haddon Fire Company №1. Commissioners also gave certificates of appreciation to George Cox and Don Webb, Sr. for their years of service with the fire company.

• Commissioners gave a proclamation in honor of Dinosaur month, as Haddonfield is known to be the place that the nearly complete skeleton of the Hadrosaurus foulkii in 1858.

