Five candidates running for three seats on Haddonfield Board of Education this November

The Haddonfield Sun
1 min readAug 12, 2015

November’s Board of Education election for Haddonfield Public Schools will be a contested one, as five candidates filed to run for the board’s three open seats, according to the Camden County Clerk’s office.

The only incumbent board member running is Susan Kutner. Kutner originally joined the board in 2015 to fill the unexpired term for Andrew Berlin and was chosen by the board for the open seat.

The new candidates, Joshua Drew, Joseph Evangelisti, Glenn R. George and Adam M. Sangillo will also be running for the three open seats. Maureen Eyles, joining the board in 2012, and Dennis Kelleher, joining in 2008, are the two board members not running for re-election.

The Haddonfield Public Schools Board of Education election will take place alongside the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 3.


