Haddonfield Commissioners introduce, approve 2016 proposed budget

The Haddonfield Sun
3 min readMar 30, 2016

Borough commissioners approved the proposed municipal budget for 2016 at their meeting on Tuesday, March 22. The budget proposed will have an increase of $36 per year in municipal taxes for the average assessed home at $488,481.

The proposed 2016 borough budget is $16.2 million, of which $10.3 million will be raised through property taxes. This puts the tax rate at 49.43 cents per $100 of assessed property value, which is an increase of 1.49 percent over last year.

For the average assessed home at $488,481, municipal taxes will be $2,414.

“I think it is a good budget,” Commissioner John Moscatelli said.

According to a budget message released at the commissioners meeting, employee salaries, benefits and pension payments make up 51 percent of the borough budget, totaling $8.3 million, going up by $470,945. This increase is mainly due to cost shifting of expenses from the water and sewer utility to the current fund and a 53rd week of pay that falls in 2016. A cost of living increase averaging 1.5 percent will be granted to non-union employees and the police.

For the sixth year in a row, it is anticipated state funding will be flat at $981,000 for Haddonfield.

The borough’s annual road program continues to play a large part in the capital budget, with the commissioners funding $1.7 million for road reconstruction and design. Through the proceeds from the sale of the water and sewer utility, the borough was able to liquidate most current debt. This has enabled the commissioners to increase the amount of cash for the road program, which will allow the borough to complete more road projects.

A fire truck and several other items in the capital plan will be funded with remaining funds from prior ordinances. Items in the capital budget to be funded by the 2016 bond ordinance include various public works equipment, a message board and improvements to the tennis courts.

The second reading and public hearing of the budget will be on April 26 at 7:30 p.m. in Borough Hall.

In other news:

• Commissioners unanimously approved the Bancroft Redevelopment Plan on first reading, as submitted and approved by the Planning Board. A public hearing will be held at a special meeting on April 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Borough Hall. At the public hearing, there may be changes to the plan and action could be taken. A copy of the plan can be found at the borough website at www.haddonfieldnj.org.

• Commissioners approved an ordinance on second reading, amending the borough code, adding a chapter entitled “Smoking Prohibited.” The chapter prohibits smoking in the following places: inside all Haddonfield municipal buildings and within a 25-foot radius of the entrance of all municipal buildings; all public parks and recreation facilities owned or leased by Haddonfield and all property owned or leased by Haddonfield, including all areas adjacent to facilities such as parking areas, driveways or drive aisles; and any motor vehicle registered to the borough. Each area would be designated with a clearly visible “no smoking” sign. Violators are subject to a fine not to exceed $200.

• Commissioners approved change orders to the Haddonfield Public Library improvements project in the amount of $11,854 and $51,942, also increasing the time of the contract. Mayor Jeff Kasko said the library will be open in late May or early June, if everything goes as planned.

• Commissioners authorized a shared service agreement with the Haddonfield Board of Education for the replacement of Haddonfield Memorial High School stadium lights. The borough and the school district plan to split costs 55/45.

