Historical Society of Haddonfield awarded more than $24K for Greenfield Hall

Grant from state’s historic trust to be used toward preservation plan for borough landmark

Bob Herpen
The Haddonfield Sun
2 min readNov 13, 2018


Photo credit: Historical Society of Haddonfield

The Historical Society of Haddonfield announced on Tuesday it has been awarded a $24,352 grant from the New Jersey Historic Trust, an affiliate of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA), to craft a long-term preservation plan for Greenfield Hall. The Historical Society is the only awardee in Camden County this year.

“Greenfield Hall is one of our most significant artifacts, and this generous grant from the New Jersey Historic Trust will allow us to plan for its care for many years to come,” said Doug Rauschenberger, president of the Historical Society of Haddonfield.

The grant award is part of the Preserve New Jersey Historic Preservation Fund grant program. The Historical Society plans to use the grant to hire Westfield Architects & Preservation Consultants to create a preservation plan in strict compliance with the recommendations of the state’s Historic Preservation Office. The finished plan will include evaluations of Greenfield Hall’s structure and building systems, and help the Society prioritize maintenance, repairs, and other improvements moving forward.

Established in 1967, the New Jersey Historic Trust is the only nonprofit historic preservation organization in New Jersey created by state law. The Trust became a Department of Community Affairs (DCA) affiliate in 2002 in an effort to better realign the state’s smart growth initiatives with historic revitalization. Its mission is to advance historic preservation in New Jersey for the benefit of future generations through education, stewardship and financial investment programs that save our heritage and strengthen our communities.

The Historical Society of Haddonfield was founded in 1914 and is committed to collecting and preserving the unique artifacts, documents, photographs, and other collection materials that help tell the history of Haddonfield and its environs.

