Honor veterans at service on Nov. 11

The Haddonfield Sun
2 min readNov 7, 2013

The members of Haddonfield American Legion Post 38 invite the public to honor our veterans and attend its Veterans Day Service in the Haddonfield Memorial High School auditorium on Monday, Nov. 11. The service will commence promptly at 11:10 a.m. and last approximately 40 minutes.

In addition to the public, local veterans and soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines on active duty or serving in the National Guard or Reserves are invited to attend this service. Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor those who have served honorably in the military, during both times of war and peace.

In recent years, Post 38 has moved its Veterans Day Service into the HMHS Auditorium because of past problems with inclement weather. Its success has led to an agreement between Post 38 and HMHS to conduct these Veterans Day Services in the auditorium and encourage available students to attend the service.

The program will include an opening prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, a POW-MIA Flag Ceremony, the “Star-Spangled Banner,” short readings by selected Post officers, remarks by Post 38 Commander Brian Fitzgerald and Mayor Jeff Kasko, and “Taps” performed by Tom Patton and Tom Reiter.

Haddonfield Memorial High School is located at 401 Kings Hwy E. After entering through the front gate, visitors should proceed through the door to the left, and pass the Main Office. Signs will guide visitors to the school’s auditorium. Citizens and veterans are urged to take an hour
on Nov. 11 to honor our veterans and those serving our country today.

If you have any questions concerning this event, call Tom Baird at 428–4070 or (609) 923–1442.

