Joe Welsh on Obama: “Worst excuse for a leader”

The Haddonfield Sun
2 min readMay 2, 2011

Is the guy who pumps your gas really responsible for the high price at the pump? I don’t think so. Your dollar is worth less than 80 cents to Saudia Arabia thanks to the FED printing more money, so you have to cough up more dinero to fill your tank. To add insult to injury, Saudia Arabia is also cutting back on its production by 1 million barrels a day. It’s nice to have friends in the Middle East, isn’t it?

The Hawaii-born President Obama energy policy is totally illogical and devoid of common sense. We’re hurting right now, so last week he stops drilling and this week he wants us to start drilling.

He’s running again, so he’ll say anything to get reelected in 2012. We have more energy within our borders than all the Middle East countries combined but you’ve got to drill for it. The unelected bureaucratic EPA is our problem and the lack of political courage to eliminate them. Politicians on both sides live in fear of losing their political seats if they do the right thing. Maybe if they were restricted to two terms they would grow some guts, do what’s right, then go home and get a job.

Thank God the stock market operates independently from the government. The Standard and Poors rating of US securities dropped to zero, meaning unless they see a plan to change the downward trend of our economy, our bonds will lose their AAA rating. What more objective evidence do we need to act big, and do it now? In my not so humble opinion, if we have any good republicans and democrats left in power, it is time to stop sipping the political kool-aid and start the impeachment proceedings, by reason of total incompetence.

President Obama is the worst excuse for a leader, let alone our president that I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen back to FDR. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Our River City Haddonfield BOE election could be simplified and budgets lowered, if they moved both to federal and state election days. That’s just thought but, it’s only taxpayer money, so maybe that doesn’t matter. The truth is it would illuminate the BOE budgets and union effects on same, to the whole community and not just the kindergarten through twelfth grade school age citizenry.

A final thought, if you don’t want your electric bills to go up dramatically, call your NJ democrat in Trenton to say NO on any cap-and-trade in the state. It’s coming and it’s not too late.

Go Flyers, Phillies, and 76ers!

Major Joe Welsh

USAF Retired

