Kouba officially announces run for commission

The Haddonfield Sun
2 min readMar 15, 2013

It’s time for a change.

I, Kenneth Kouba, believe in controlling taxes, actively supporting downtown businesses, making Haddonfield more affordable for everyone and being a more transparent commissioner.

I am running for commissioner because I want to bolster small businesses, alleviate taxes for residents and build a future for all generations.

I’ve lived in this beautiful town for 13 years, I myself graduated from Haddonfield Memorial High School. I chose to stay, build a business and continue to live in our unique, historic borough. But with crushing taxes and rising operating costs we should all be very concerned about Haddonfield’s future.

Taxes are an issue for everyone. At a time with an unstable economy, taxes are more of a hardship than ever. With increasing property taxes, lifelong citizens (who made Haddonfield what it is today) are being pushed out.

Young adults who were raised here can’t purchase homes in town to raise their own families and provide them with the same wonderful experiences they were afforded.

Mayor Tish Colombi is to be commended for all she has accomplished in her 28 years of service. I applaud her. But, there is more hard work ahead.

We pride ourselves on our downtown, a district unlike any other, we can all benefit from expanding our shopping and dining area by encouraging business’ to also operate on zoned side streets. By giving incentives to all businesses we can decrease turnover. More businesses mean a healthier tax base which helps alleviate the tax burden on all of us. Shopping local keeps money in our town and supports your neighbors.

Taxes are a necessity, but wasteful spending is not.

Taxes are the citizen’s money and we have a right to not only know where our money is going but to also have a clear understanding of why.

Transparency is a huge part of my business — it’s motivated us to invest in products and services we trust. I am asking you, the citizens of Haddonfield to give me a chance to also earn your trust.

My ribbon color is purple.

Please feel free to contact myself or my campaign manager, Liz Sweeney at koubaforcommissioner@gmail.com or read more about me at kouba2013.com or on Facebook at Kouba for Commissioner.

