Letter to the Editor: Disconnect between Zoning Board and citizens

The Haddonfield Sun
1 min readMay 16, 2014

What began in my first Sun letter as a passing curiosity became in the second a rude eye-opener. Now, a simple, worrisome observation: There exists a conspicuous disconnect between our Zoning Board and the citizenry, not to go unnoticed by either party.

Examples are posted at http://issues08033.org/zoningboard.html in the form of two short and not-so-sweet audio clips, along with more of my own commentary than you might want to read. And, oh yes, embarrassing hubbub, definitely embarrassing.

You can help the situation by telling our commissioners perhaps that you are especially interested in certain borough decisions. And, why not apply for appointment to a borough board? Most boards like getting some attention.

In the meantime, the Planning Board (not the Zoning Board) has been rescheduled to hear the hot topic about subdividing the property at 605 Warwick, on June 3. You can read about that, too, at Issues08033.org. And, as the signs around town say, “Show Up — Speak Up.”

