Letter to the Editor: Saul Resnick

In his letter, Resnick encourages residents to get involved in the Haddonfield Lions Club.

Kelly Flynn
The Haddonfield Sun
1 min readSep 27, 2017


Energy, enthusiasm, dedication — all hallmarks of the Haddonfield Lions Club. Want to join as the club continues its charitable efforts of support for the community and for the visually impaired? Want to participate in the pleasure of helping others?

Here’s your opportunity. Come to the Lions Club’s “open house” on Oct. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Tavistock Country Club and learn more about the club’s activities and the key players who make them happen. Food, drinks, good fellowship all in store for you and the opportunity to join.

Contact president Bob Stokes at (856) 761–4117 or email him at robert.s.stokes @hotmail.com, to make your reservation. Enjoy.

Saul Resnick

