Rotary exchange program seeking Haddonfield families to host a foreign exchange student

The Haddonfield Sun
1 min readFeb 28, 2014

The Rotary Youth Exchange Program is seeking host families in Haddonfield to sponsor a foreign exchange student during the 2014–2015 academic school year.

These students, who wish to experience a greater understanding of our culture and language, will attend classes at Haddonfield Memorial High School.

Hosting an exchange student from another country is a challenge and an opportunity. Involvement with an exchange student challenges a host family to become familiar with another culture, while providing the opportunity to share a student’s hopes and ambitions.

Host families must be able to provide room and board for the exchange student.

Parents are also expected to exercise general parental supervision over the student, just as they would their own children, and involve him or her in daily household chores and activities.

Ideally, the exchange program tries to have two to three host families house the exchange student, during the student’s ten-month stay.

Families interested in this opportunity are asked to contact, or call (856) 694–1884. Families interested in the program are also encouraged to visit

