Sixty-one county metro division police officers sworn in

The Haddonfield Sun
2 min readApr 16, 2013

Submitted by Camden County

Yesterday morning, 61 additional police officers joined the growing ranks of the Camden County Police Department’s Metro Division during a ceremony in Blackwood. Additional officers will be sworn-in throughout the month.

Picture from the event are here:

“These sworn police officers will stabilize Camden City and make Camden County a safer place to live for all residents,” Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. said. “As I have said in the past, the status quo in our county seat is unacceptable and the level of violence cannot continue over the nine square miles of the city.”

Officers of the newly formed Metro Division are receiving 8 weeks of field training on the streets of Camden City alongside the former Camden City Police Officers. The training officers are familiar with the city and will share their experience and knowledge.

The Camden County Police Department Metro Division is putting hundreds of officers on the street to patrol Camden City neighborhoods. Dispatching more “Boots on the Ground” will enable to police to proactively patrol the neighborhoods, cultivate relationships with residents and other essential to preventing rating than reacting to crime. The new department will be fully operational on April 30.

“Our number one priority is to keep residents safe,” Cappelli said. “We believe the Camden County Police Department’s Metro Division will have a significant impact on crime in our community and throughout the County.”

The Metro Division is not being funded by County property taxpayers, but through Camden City’s property tax revenue and state funds for municipal aid. If other towns wish to join the regional police department, which is voluntary, they will pay for police protection as a shared service.

