Tatem Walking School Bus leads Haddonfield youth on safe routes to school

The Haddonfield Sun
2 min readAug 31, 2016

Many schools have buses that take kids to school. In Haddonfield, especially at J. Fithian Tatem Elementary School, the walking school bus is the way to go.

In its sixth year, the Tatem Walking School Bus will step off on Sept. 6 to lead elementary school students on a safe route to school, keeping kids active, car emissions down and creating a sense of community, all by walking to school.

“If they start with the walking school bus on the first day, they are already in that mindset of leaving their house (for the walking school bus) and you get in that habit. It is all about forming healthy habits, like walking,” Tatem Walking School Bus founder Heather Vaughn said.

A walking school bus is a group of children walking to school with one or more adults. The Tatem Walking School Bus was created by a National Center for Safe Routes to School grant in 2011, and has been a successfully run endeavor ever since.

“Eight or nine years ago, there were so many drivers for only a half mile, which is not that far… (Since the walking school bus) there are a lot more people walking than ever,” Vaughn said.

Many of the elementary schools of Haddonfield have individual walking buses or groups, but Tatem is a formal one. Recently, the borough created a Safe Routes to School Committee in hopes of creating formal walking school buses and safe routes for all schools.

Walking school buses have many benefits, including decreasing pollution and traffic, teaching children pedestrian safety habits, instilling a love of physical activity and building a sense of community.

For the walking school bus, there are “Three Golden Rules:” walk, don’t run; stay on the sidewalk; and walk sensibly — no horsing around. These rules help to keep everyone safe. The bus walks in a group with a parent leading the way and utilizing safe street crossing etiquette.

To learn more about the walking school bus, visit the Tatem PTA EBoard at www.haddonfield.k12.nj.us/tatem/ and click the “Student Safety” tab. You may also contact Vaughn at vaughn1@verizon.net, Karen McEntire at mcentirefamily5@ gmail.com or new Walking School Bus leader Khayriyyah Chandler at tatemwsb@gmail.com.

