Two firefighters, several explorers sworn in

The Haddonfield Sun
2 min readJan 23, 2013

Volunteering is a part of life in Haddonfield.

New members were sworn into the Haddon Fire Company №1 at the regular commissioners meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 22.

“This is another great moment for Haddon Fire Company,” said Fire Chief Joe Riggs.

Adam Belling and Dave Washick were sworn in as firefighters, with Belling being a native of the borough and graduate of Haddonfield Memorial High School, and Washick’s father a former volunteer firefighter in Cherry Hill, Riggs said.

There are a total of 40 volunteer firefighters in the company, he said.

Five new explorers joined the company as well following turnover due to age, for a total of nine explorers.

Jon Dunn, David Hessert, Patrick Porter, Jeff Sabatini and Luke Pease were sworn in while the four current explorers stood behind them in support.

According to Joe Dunn, a member of the company for five years, three of which as the explorer advisor, said that explorers are 15 years of age until they are just under 18 who have shown an interest in firefighting.

The program, he said, teaches them discipline, responsibility, and, “most importantly, giving back to their community.”

“Everyone seems to get along well,” he added.

Volunteerism, said Mayor Tish Colombi, is simply “what works” in the borough, and the program was “such a natural thing to do.”

In Haddonfield, she continued, an idea turns into a plan, which turns into a group of interested participants to better the community.

“You are now a big part of that,” she said. “This program has grown. It’s just been amazing. You’re working with a great group of men in town.”

“We can’t thank you enough,” said Commissioner Ed Borden. “Words are not good enough.”

Firefighters, he said, put in time, effort and face danger to take care of residents.

“Every single person in this town is grateful to what you do,” Borden said.

Commissioner Jeff Kasko addressed family members in the audience at the meeting.

“They didn’t learn this anywhere but at home,” he said of the desire to volunteer.

“In this town, we’re really blessed to have a lot of people do different things with their time and their talents,” said Kasko.

Other appointments

Three residents were appointed to the environmental commission at the meeting to fill unexpired seats.

Mishael Azam will take over Lois DeAntio’s seat, with a term expiring May 31, 2014.

L. Bert Cossaboon was appointed to become alternate no. 1, replacing Mishael Azam, with a term expiring on May 31.

Thomas Vecchio will become alternate no. 2, replacing L. Bert Cassaboon’s seat, with a term expiring on May 31, 2014.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the commissioners is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at Borough Hall.

