Updates for the month of December at the Haddonfield Public Library

The Haddonfield Sun
3 min readDec 8, 2014

The Calendar for Haddonfield Public Library

Haddonfield Public Library will be closed on Dec. 24 and 25. The library will close at 5 p.m. on Dec. 3 and 1 p.m. on Dec. 31. The library will be closed on Jan. 1, 2015.

The Adult Book group will resume in January. For more information, contact Kathleen Metrick at (856) 429–1304, ext. 116 or email her at kmetrick@haddonfieldlibrary.org

The Library Board of Trustees will meet on Dec. 16 at 8 a.m. in the NJ Library Room at the library. The public is welcome to attend.

The Library Board of Trustees is giving an update on the renovation of the library. Bids for the Library Addition/ Renovation project were rejected by the Borough Commissioners in early November as all submitted bids were over budget. It is anticipated that the project will be put back out to bid in early December. The Library Board and Borough Commissioners are committed to finding an alternate site for library service during the estimated seven months that the library will be closed for renovation. An active search is underway for a convenient location in Haddonfield. The community will receive updates as information on the project and timeline are available.

HOOPLA comes to the Library!

HOOPLA is now available at the Haddonfield Public Library! HOOPLA, well-deserving of its exciting name, is a digital media platform offering thousands of full-length music albums, audiobooks, films, TV shows and instructional videos for kids, teens and adults. Haddonfield Library cardholders will be able to borrow these titles to enjoy on PCs, tablets and phones. Both streaming and temporary downloading of content are supported. Multiple borrowers can access the same title at the same time so no more waiting for popular titles. Better yet, access to these titles is free of charge. Since borrowed titles are automatically returned at the end of their loan periods, HOOPLA titles are fine free. This media platform is perfectly suited to life on the go! View or listen to music, audiobooks and films across your mobile devices, and the HOOPLA mobile app will keep your place as you go. Don’t miss out on all the fun; make sure you have your library card number and associated library password ready for the HOOPLA.

New to Haddonfield and don’t have a library card yet? Have you forgotten your library password? Then be sure to drop by the library soon to register for a card or reset your password.

The Friends of the Haddonfield Public Library have generously funded HOOPLA. To support the Friends visit www.hfol.org

For the holidays:

Shop at the Library for your Holiday Gifts

The Haddonfield Garden Club decorates the adult and children’s departments of the library every year. Stop in and see these elegant decorations — guaranteed to put you in a festive holiday mood.

The library has autographed copies of the books of Haddonfield and other local authors. Visit the library or our website at www.haddonfieldlibrary.org for a list of the books on sale at the first floor Reference Desk. These books make a thoughtful gift!

The Friends of the Library continue to sell color note cards of the library by Marcia Steinbock for $15 for a box of eight. The library sells the elegant black and white library cards done by Haddonfield’s award winning artist and author Robert Byrd. Both are available at the front desk.

The library will again place The Giving Tree at the first floor circulation desk. Consider purchasing an item for the library’s collection.

