How to add to smart-ex an SMBC card that’s blocked

One way to solve “クレジットカードが有効であることを確認できなかった為、処理を中止しました”

the hai life
3 min readJan 20, 2024


I ran into a problem adding an SMBC card to smart-ex スマートEX. It had worked fine before, but for unrelated reasons I had removed it and couldn’t add it back again.

The error page after attempting to add the card

The error was that the card could not be authenticated. クレジットカードが有効であることを確認できなかった為、処理を中止しました。詳しくは、クレジットカード会社にお問い合わせください This was strange to me, because the card worked before on smart-ex, and worked on other online shopping websites.

Was it smart-ex?

Naturally I assumed that this was because smart-ex was down or that it was a temporary error. But I tried with my other cards from other banks (they work) and after a few days, but the SMBC card still wasn’t able to be added.

Was it my card?

According to this article, it might be caused by a missing 3D Secure setup: クレジットカード...の「本人認証サービス」の状況を確認したところ、「未登録」だった. In fact, smart-ex also has a page saying that it’s required 「本人認証サービス(3Dセキュア)」の利用設定をしていない場合…スマートEXサービスをご利用できない However I checked that my card has 3D Secure enabled (details about SMBC’s 3D Secure ネットショッピング認証 in this page).

Was it SMBC?

I found this thread that says it could be due to SMBC blocking smart-ex due to it being a site with lots of unauthorized use 不正利用が多いサイト. A poster had recommended to let the card issuer (in our case, SMBC) know that you want to unblock the card for smart-ex 〇〇で使いたいが使えない、ロックが掛かってないか調べて欲しい, which the original poster tried and confirmed was the case 電話したら最近不正利用が多いのでロックをしていたとのことでした.

So the next step was to send an inquiry to SMBC about not being able to use the card on smart-ex!

Sending an inquiry to SMBC

As it turns out there is an automated form for just that! (This form can be reached from the more general “I can’t use my card and how to solve it” help page. The steps to fill in the form are:

  • Click the yellow “questions this way” お問い合わせはこちら button.
  • Log in with VPass
  • Fill in the details, most importantly:
  • 利用店名/利用サイト名: スマートEX
  • 利用先の種類: インターネットショッピング
  • Click on the yellow “submit” 申し込み button

Now we wait for a few days. The response comes in the form of an SMS linking to this page that says that the usage block has been lifted and that the card can be used after 15 minutes ご本人のご利用確認がとれましたので、利用制限を解除いたしました。15分ほどお時間をあけていただきますと、カードは問題なくご利用いただける状態になります.

Now we simply try adding the card in smart-ex and it should work!



the hai life

Security engineer and new dad in Japan. I've learnt a lot from the community, so I hope to contribute back. I write technical articles and how-to guides.