How to early repay Paypay Card credit card

the hai life
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2024

If you have a credit card from Paypay Card in Japan, you may want to make an early repayment of the card balance to recover the credit limit.

In general, the steps are to first notify Paypay Card that we wish to make an early repayment, where the repayment details will be given. Then we transfer funds according to the repament details provided. I highly recommend to try repaying a small bill first just to make sure you’ve got all the steps right.

Disclaimer: all the steps below are done at your own risk. If you have questions or is not comfortable at any point, do not continue the transfer and contact customer support.

Online Early Repayment via Chatbot

Paypay Card has an FAQ page about early repayment カードのご利用残高を前倒しで支払いたい that can be done entirely online. It contains general information on early repayment timeline and a note on partial repayments, so I recommend reading that first.

Eligibility for early repayment using this method

An early repayment using this method can only be done a certain period of the month. This is stated in the FAQ page (screenshot below), in short it’s anytime except on the morning of the 10th, and after 27th.

We’re only interested in the last scenario but expand to see what to do in other cases.

Make a repayment notification

The official way to make a repayment notification is using the chatbot. The FAQ page has instructions but only partially. Note that this method uses the 有人チャット “operator-manned chat” which is only available between 0930h to 1730h daily (except new years). The chatbot can accessed from the FAQ page itself, look for this icon on the bottom right of the page.

Chat with a guy with a headphone head!

Note: the replies are either free-text or take the form of pre-determined options. If you can’t find the correct phrase, click on the blue もっと見る “see more” option to show more.

Pre-determined replies like an RPG game!

First, navigate to the “early repayment” dialogue branch. The FAQ page has instructions for how to do that but it is not complete. The replies to use are:

  • 質問を入力する
  • カードのご利用残高を前倒しで支払いたい
  • 前倒しで支払う(振込予定が10日、27日~29日以外の場合 (there are a few similar options, note the last part)
  • いいえ
  • オペレーターにチャットで問する
The magic phrases to utter for the early repayment secret ending.

Next, we wait a few minutes for an operator to come online who will verify our identity. We’re asked for these info, with helpful examples to show the expected format:

  • Name of cardholder (not the name on the card but the name used to register with Paypay Card)
  • Date of birth in YYYYMMDD
  • Phone number without hyphens
These are public information, so that makes me wonder if this mean that anyone can request an early repayment on your behalf?

Then we’re asked a series of questions about the repayment method.

  • Are you the main cardholder themselves? Reply: 本人です
  • Do you want to early repay the entire outstanding bill, or only this month’s? Entire bill: 残高全てお支払い
  • What’s the transfer date? In MM/DD. For example, 13th Aug would be 8/13
  • “Please complete the transfer by 2pm of <date>”. 分かりました “I understand”
A couple of quick-fire questions.

Lastly, we’re presented with the transfer instructions. There are no confirmation emails or any other obvious way to retrieve this information, so make sure to save it. At the last part of the chat, we’re asked if there’s anything unclear so reply

  • なし “none”
  • ありがとうございます if you are in a good mood

There’s also a link to the survey about the chat experience.

The real treasure is funded by the card spend along the way.

Transfer funds

Make a transfer following the repayment details earlier. The sender name should be the same as the cardholder name, and the amount should match exactly.

The card balance and credit limit should be updated after 1–2 business days.

For the next early repayment, repeat the whole process again as the repayment details could change.



the hai life

Security engineer and new dad in Japan. I've learnt a lot from the community, so I hope to contribute back. I write technical articles and how-to guides.