Haiku 2023–278

C.L. Boss
The Haiku Challenge
1 min readOct 5, 2023

meditation partner

I scratch behind my dog’s ears

because he’s present

— —

Sometime meditation brings epiphinal moments when you least expect them.

Just as I started meditating on my bench yesterday morning, my dog came rolling up and started sniffing all around me. Most times, this means that he wants to go outside, but I had just brought him in. I tried to ignore him, but he really doesn’t know the meaning of “personal space” and just kept getting closer and closer. I contemplated telling him to go away, but then I had a sudden thought…

What did he really want?

The answer? He wanted at that moment what I wanted out of that moment — to be present… only he wanted me to be present with him. Given the amount of loyalty he shows to me, he deserved it.

With my eyes still closed, I reached out with both hands and began scratching him behind both his ears — his favorite thing — while the rest of my mind focused on my breath moving in and out of my body. I stopped after a minute, but he nudged my hand with his nose, clearly wanting more. After another minute, he backed up, shook his head, and moved on with his day leaving me to move on with mine.

