Haiku 2023–294

C.L. Boss
The Haiku Challenge
1 min readOct 21, 2023

fields of sunflowers

a starting point for a trip

down memory lane

— —

The local farm market planted a small field of sunflowers next to the road. It reminded me of a print of the famous VanGogh painting that hung in my grandparent’s house growing up and I wanted to capture how that made me feel in haiku. I soon, however, found myself scrolling through other memories in my mind that involved sunflowers.

- Bringing sunflowers to my girlfriend (now my wife) the first time she saw me in a suit

- Seeing a field of sunflowers right as I crossed the Kansas border

- A picture of a Kansas road sign with my favorite number on it

- Chewing sunflower seeds in high school and spitting out the shells

- The first time I ate a sunflower sprout

While I enjoy them, sunflowers aren’t that significant in my life. That’s why I find it interesting that I could use these memories as starting points to write about chapters of my life that, when strung together, could tell a fairly complete picture of who I am.

