Haiku 2023–305

C.L. Boss
The Haiku Challenge
1 min readNov 1, 2023


moving through the universe

some graceful, some not

— —

To tell you the truth, I didn’t quite hit the mark I wanted to with this one.

Imagine people as atoms moving through the universe. They will continue in a straight line until they bump into something else. Sometimes the pair will bounce off each other and head in a different direction, sometimes the pair will fuse together and become as one, then there are the “other times” — those times when two atoms crash into each other and bad, sometimes devestating, happens. A circumstance where multiple atoms crashing together made a mess of things was the seed of this haiku.

I could dig much deeper here. Modern technology moves these ‘atoms’ into other dimensions. For example, through the use of the internet, we can fold space so that people don’t even have to be in the same side of the earth to come into conflict. The internet can also fold time allowing for a reaction years after a decision was made.

The seeds of conflict can find purchase about anywhere. One of the aims of this haiku is to remind myself that I need to constantly weed the garden of my soul to keep conflict out of my life.

