Haiku 2023–352

C.L. Boss
The Haiku Challenge
1 min readDec 18, 2023

snow in the forecast

my battle plan for the day

already in place

— —

If the forecast is to be believed, we will be getting our first measurable snow fall of the day beginning this morning. While we expect less than two inches of snow, two things set this particular event part. First, people will need to remind themselves how to drive in snow. More than a few folks will find themselves in a ditch before they have a chance to knock the rust off that particular skill set. Second, the forecast calls for lots of wind which will cause drifts and white-out conditions — something that we don’t get a lot of here in the bumpy part of Ohio.

What’s my plan? I’ll dress warmly, leave a little early, drive a tad (or several tads) slower than my normal commuting speed, and wait patiently at work until the evening rush hour winds down if conditions are bad. Yes, it has the potential to be a long day, but there is a silver lining — each hour I’m gone from the house today is an hour more that I get to spend at home on Friday.

Now if we could only convince Mother Nature to have a redo next Monday, we’ll be set.

