Haiku 2023–358

C.L. Boss
The Haiku Challenge
1 min readDec 24, 2023

a slow winding down

of the hustle and bustle

our world, Christmas Eve

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I read a meme this morning on Instagram that said that December 25th isn’t so much a holiday as it is a deadline. The clarity of that statement comes into sharp focus on Christmas Eve. As the day progresses, more businesses will turn off the lights, lock their doors, and send their folks home. Shoppers will have no choice but to head home as well hoping they managed to get all they needed. Travellers from lands far and near will soon be reunited with their loved ones causing traffic on the roads will dwindle to nothing. Once midnight services are over and the last worshippers and last-minute present wrappers turn in for the evening, our part of the world will be as peaceful and tranquil as it can be for just a few refreshing hours.

It would be naive of me to believe that this day will be peaceful and tranquil for everyone, but I can hope that everyone will find just a moment today where that is the case.

An artistic rendition of the text using a heat map program created by the author.

