Haiku 2023–359

C.L. Boss
The Haiku Challenge
2 min readDec 25, 2023

a quiet morning

Christmas traditions changing

because of boyfriends

— —

A quarter to eight on Christmas morning finds me in my writing chair sipping a cup of coffee while my fingers put a few words on the screen. I have no need to hurry myself along because Christmas festivities won’t be getting underway here for at least two more hours. Three of my four daughters will be having Christmas morning with their boyfriends’ families first before making their way back home to celebrate with us.

Wasn’t it just yesterday that they were clamoring for me to get up and get things underway on Christmas morning?

Wasn’t it just the day before that I was doing the same thing?

While the celebration of Christ’s birthday seems to be a awkward place to talk about the Buddhist notion of impermanence and attachment, that’s where I find my mind this morning. I fondly remember the Christmas traditions of the past because they meant something to me, they still do, but clinging to the way things were will only cause suffering. Those traditions changed because we changed and will continue to evolve as we evolve. Soon enough, jobs and marriages and circumstances beyond our control will stretch and warp and alter our traditions until they become something we don’t even recognize anymore. Perhaps when grandchildren are introduced to the picture, Christmas will return to something recognize not for us, for our children.

For now, I will just be content to be patient sipping my coffee in front of my computer and appreciate the quiet moment to share my thoughts with you.

May each and every one of you have the merriest of Christmases!!!

