Publishing Books as an Indie Author

Cendrine Marrouat
The Haiku Shack


Photo credit: Cendrine Marrouat

Over the years, many readers have asked me to talk about my experience as an indie author. Here is my answer.

I tried to keep the post as short as possible so as not to overwhelm you with too many details.

Step 1 — Writing

Writing is a complex process that may require a lot of research and numerous drafts.

None of my books have been sent to an editor and/or proofreader without going through at least six drafts.

Time involved per project: two months — a year.

Step 2 — Editing and Proofreading

Editing involves “correction, condensation, organisation, and many other modifications performed with an intention of producing a correct, consistent, accurate and complete piece of work.” (Source: Wikipedia). There are at least five different types — developmental, structural, copy, line, and mechanical.

Proofreading is all about taking care of grammatical errors and typos.

I tend to put myself in my readers’ shoes a lot during the writing and revision processes. My beta readers also know that I expect honesty from them. All that helps make the editing / proofreading process cost-effective. When my editor and my…



Cendrine Marrouat
The Haiku Shack

Writer & author, photographer, co-founder of Auroras & Blossoms / A Warm Mug of Cozy, and (co-)creator of literary forms.