5 Things to Do If You’ve Got Wine But No Corkscrew

Edith Zimmerman
The Hairpin
Published in
1 min readNov 15, 2010

New food site The Daily Meal rounds up five of the best methods for extracting wine from a wine bottle when you’re temporarily separated from your corkscrew. They involve shoes, trees, and hammers, but don’t include my two personal favorites, which are 1) put the bottle away until you can get ahold of a corkscrew. What’s the rush? And 2) put the wine in a plastic bag, beat the bottle until it shatters, and then you have a bag of wine. And now I’ll stop talking about wine for a while.



Edith Zimmerman
The Hairpin

Spiralbound editor. Formerly at The Hairpin. Also now making a newsletter: https://drawinglinks.substack.com