All Stories published by The Hairpin on November 12, 2010

The Hard, Precise Science of Flirting

by Liz Colville

The brainy bombshells over at my favorite lady magazine have decided to write an article about a study on the flirting women of the world in which flirting is defined as how frequently you contact a man on the Internet. So…

Shoes Are Getting So Tall!

Look, it’s the nine-inch Sky Heel, the shoe so tall it looks like it has its own shoe at the bottom, and the…

The Swiss Roll Diet

by Liz Colville

We are all about diets this week! The wine diet! The prune diet (as part of a balanced wine diet)! The consistently moderately alcohol-using diet (see above)! Now comes the Swiss Roll diet, perpetrated by a woman in England who seriously only ate them…

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