All Stories published by The Hairpin on November 17, 2010

Indeed, This Beautiful Young Man Will “Not Be Cast to Sell Jackhammers”

This male model looks like a very, very beautiful woman, and here’s what some people are saying about him. [Via]

Christopher Columbus Slow

by Liz Colville

Native Americans may have been brought over to Iceland by Vikings as many as 500 years before Christopher Columbus came over here and ruined everything, according to new research. There is a Viking settlement in Canada that science persons believe dates to the 11th century! Since when!

Man Slays Television

by Liz Colville

A man “killed” his television with his shotgun last night after becoming enraged at Bristol Palin’s routine on Dancing With the Stars. The tantrum caused “an all-night standoff with a SWAT team.” He also briefly pointed the gun at his wife. It takes…

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