All Stories published by The Hairpin on January 19, 2011


Do you wear makeup every every day?

[O]ne in three women won’t step outside the house without putting on some war…

They’re Going to Bring Back a Mammoth

The Japanese are on a mission to clone wooly mammoths, and they’re aiming to produce a baby in as few as four years. You know what they didn’t talk about in Jurassic Park? That people would constantly be trying to kill the dinosaurs and eat them, which will be…

What Animals Would You Like to See Die Next?

Now the cows are dying too. Who should go next? Can the spiders go next? I know, I know, everyone loves spiders, they’re so cool, but whatever. (Right now the spiders are like, in their tiny voices, “oh, fuck you!” And they’re writing a little…

The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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