All Stories published by The Hairpin on February 21, 2011

Tampon Nostalgia

A lady over on The Frisky admits that she was too nervous to buy her own tampons until she was 30 years old. To which I say…

Diet Pants Need Only Be Worn Every Day for Months

These stylish bottoms will fix you:

In clinical tests, 19% of volunteers reported less cellulite, 71% saw smoother skin and 76% looked firmer after wearing the leggings for two months, eight hours a day.

“Scenes From Miss Boston 2011”

“A crown fit for a queen — or Miss Boston 2011.” I’m from Boston but don’t recall seeing anything like this before. [Via]

Green Blobs

“So what picture should we use to accompany the article?”
 “Haha, I mean.”
 “No, I know.”
 “But yeah, I guess just of the virus?”

Sassy Leek, Celery With a Secret

“This food is disgusting, which is why I’m not eating lunch.” A Chicago sixth-grader — “skipping lunch in favor of a packet of candy” — has not been tempted by his school’s nutritious new menu, despite the fact that much of the food has been given “fun names like ‘big bad bean burrito’ or ‘tender broccoli.’”

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