All Stories published by The Hairpin on May 12, 2011

Will You Go to Adult Prom With Me

Are you sad because you missed your prom or it sucked? Are you a little weird? Here’s something for you: adult prom. Something else: “Their drink of choice? Jell-O shots encapsulated in large syringes like those that Mr. Sinkula uses for the cows on his dairy farm.” Uses for the cows. [Via]

You Call Your Grandparents What?

“If 60 is the new 40 then GlamMa is the new Grandma, a woman with a sense of self and style.”
 — According to the New York Times
there are famous people (and some regular people) who refuse to be called “Grandma” or “Grandpa” because it makes them feel old. Instead they

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