All Stories published by The Hairpin on June 21, 2011

10 Ways a Swimming Pool Can Kill You

1. You can drown.

2. You can forget to shower, give everyone diseases, and die.

3. You can slip, crack your head, and die.

Paint-Splatter Tattoos

Amanda Wachob has been making “conceptual,” “modern,” and “abstract” tattoos (like this one) for the past 13 years, and…

Vintage Medicine Ads

Something quick and entertaining: a delightful slideshow of “historical health advertisements,” which also makes you wonder what current ads will look ridiculous in a hundred years. Well, it doesn’t actually, but the Cialis couple in side-by-side bathtubs would probably be up there. Also, where can one find Pilgrim witch toothpaste?

The Worst Sound in the Wo-orld Is …

“A new study has found that the power of whining to distract people while doing simple math was even greater than other noises that people typically find annoying. It didn’t matter whether someone was a parent or not.”

The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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