All Stories published by The Hairpin on August 30, 2011

That Gizmodo/OkCupid Story

Have you ever gone on a date with a guy who turned out to be the best in the world at something, and then publicly made fun of him, presumably without his permission? (Although if he did give permission, that raises a couple more questions, and would maybe indicate a semi-sleazy…

NJ Takes Murakami Off the Summer Reading List

…and not because Norwegian Wood is way less awesome than Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World! Apparently, it’s because of the teenagers, and the humping.

Here, Have Some Chocolate

Once again chocolate has been shown to be scientifically good for you, and the people who eat the most of it are the ones who benefit the most, except don’t eat too much chocolate, they also say.

The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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