All Stories published by The Hairpin on September 06, 2011

Janet Malcolm’s Interview With The Paris Review

Well, you should read it. You should always read the interviews in The Paris Review, they’re fantastic. But especially this one, conducted by Katie Roiphe.

Later, she will write to me, “Before I try to answer your…

Welcome, Rookie!

What is Rookie? Rookie is the lovely and talented Tavi Gevinson’s website for teen girls / website for people who want to see what teen girls are saying. It launched yesterday, and it looks great. From the press release:

Our tone is honest and authentic, smart and dry, but…

Sherman’s March, Ross McElwee

Something to watch. It’s like the Grey Gardens of…eccentric Southerners? Maybe instead of going to see The Help. I don’t know what your week looks like.

Tramp Stampitis

Tattoo ink might give you cancer, but it might not. This lady should be all good, though.

That’s Sweet.

From the New York Times piece on children overcoming adversity (or, you know, Facebook bans):

When Thom McKay realized that his son had figured out how to get on the social networking site even though his New Jersey middle school had blocked it, he asked the boy in astonishment…

The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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