All Stories published by The Hairpin on September 29, 2011

Automotive Convenience Stories to Tell in the Dark

Halloween approaches — how about some freaky E-ZPass Horror Stories to get us in the mood, courtesy the October issue of Car & Travel? For instance, a twisted tale called “Save Me!”:

I recently had my E-ZPass…

Save the Date, Toronto: October 20

Canada! On Thursday, October 20, head to The Victory Cafe to chat ’n’ drink with your fellow Torontonians! (Also: San Francisco, Oct 22; Portland, Oct. 2!)

Happy National [Free] Coffee Day

Happy National Coffee Day! Coffee is good for you, and here is a list of places giving it out for free today (among them: 7-Eleven and Krispy Kreme). How do you celebrate National Coffee Day?

The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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