All Stories published by The Hairpin on November 15, 2011

“LIFE’s 20 Worst Covers”

LIFE magazine lovingly collected the weirdest, freakiest, and ugliest covers from its 75-year history and put them into an incredible 20-slide gallery. No. 7 is my favorite (and 10. And 14). And No. 1 is our old friend Cynthia. Or, our old friend Cynthia’s old friend Grace. Which speak to you?

Mikala Bierma’s “Uncastable” Project

Hairpin friend and movie enthusiast Bobby Finger is Uncastable Actor No. 3 in the lovely Mikala Bierma’s very funny video series of the same name. Door.

Bra Wars

All is not well in the world of bras: the largest bra in the world (recently crowned and currently adorning a skyscraper in London) may not actually be the largest bra in the world, and the man claiming that it isn’t…

Downton in Hot Pants and Sequins

While we’re on the subject of costume dramas, Downton Abbey fans might enjoy this photo spread of the actresses in disco attire. Edith! Daisy!! Scream out a name! (Note: Text is spoilery, but picture is safe!)

The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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