All Stories published by The Hairpin on April 30, 2013

First They Came for the Baggy Pants

…and the WASPs said nothing. Then, they came for the seersucker:

The main purpose of Senate Bill 437 may be to provide structure to “the way the state funds public institutions of higher education,” but McKenna saw it as an opportunity to…

Taco Shop

Speaking of tacos, sort of, here are 14 taco recipes “for your Cinco de Mayo fiesta.” Has anyone ever actually had a Cinco de Mayo party…

That’s an Old Tree

What will they name the “new” oldest tree in the world? It must be weird to think you’re the oldest [something] in the world — like Methuselah, the 4,845-year-old Great Basin bristlecone pine — and then have that title be taken away, because it’d mean you never really were in the first place…

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