CSS, “City Grrrl” Music Video

The Hairpin
The Hairpin
Published in
1 min readNov 11, 2011

by Blanca Mendez


Brazilian electro punks CSS are party professionals whose songs are all intoxicating rave-ready mash-ups of strobe lights, glow sticks, and glitter. And while they have yet to top anthems like “Music Is My Hot Hot Sex” and “Let’s Make Love and Listen to Death From Above,” the band still knows how to have a good time. In their latest video, frontwoman and lead partier Lovefoxxx hits the streets of New York in a tale of small-town frustration/big-city liberation. (The album is called La Liberación, after all.) After a quick wardrobe adjustment and bathroom dye job, she stomps around the city like she owns it, flashing outfit changes, whipping her hair, and showing off some pretty sweet dance moves. And if her main frustration with the small-town life was that people thought pink hair and black lipstick were too crazy, then a move to any big city would do. But New York is a good choice, because there, no matter how weird you were in your hometown, you can always find someone weirder than you.

Blanca Méndez writes about music sometimes.

