Did You Ever Do Something

Edith Zimmerman
The Hairpin
Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2011

Over on Glamour they’re sharing stories of the craziest things they’ve done for love — like, “I wrote him letters” and “I joined a winter-football team.” Messed up. Have you ever done anything crazy for love? Don’t say it if it’ll get you in trouble. One time I dug a hole behind a hot guy’s house so he’d fall into it and I could take care of him.

Also, here’s a link to Van Morrison’s “Crazy Love” if you’d like to listen to it on this wintry day.



Edith Zimmerman
The Hairpin

Spiralbound editor. Formerly at The Hairpin. Also now making a newsletter: https://drawinglinks.substack.com