Drafts of Emails Elena Ferrante Never Sent to Claudio Gatti

Because she’s better than that.

Lana Schwartz
The Hairpin
3 min readOct 13, 2016


Image: faungg

Dear Mr. Gatti,

It has come to my attention that you have sought fit to publish my “true” identity of Anita Raja in The New York Review of Books. To that I have this to say: You are a small and petty man, who

Dear Claudio,

I was able to gain your email address from a mutual friend of ours, and although your email was unlisted, I saw fit to put my nose wherever I saw fit. Sort of like you did with my identity.


Dear Mr. Gatti,

I have only one thing to say upon the publication of your article — of which unmasking my hidden identity is your focus — and that is: No duh.


Dear Mr. Gatti,

I am writing to you today to let you know, although the evidence for my true identity being Anita Raja is compelling, I am in fact three little girls in a trench coat

To Claudio,

Your time and energy would’ve been better spent writing your own trilogy of best-selling novels.



You are now banned from the palazzo where all the famous Italian writers and I hang out.



How does it feel to go down in history as the man who silenced Elena Ferrante?

Seriously, I want to know. Email me back.


PS: Please don’t publish this email address in another article.


It would’ve just been easier to admit that you didn’t like my books because I am a woman.


