Kesha’s Back

Watch the new video for “Praying” a hundred times today.

Silvia Killingsworth
The Hairpin
1 min readJul 6, 2017


People are always calling good songs “bangers” these days. I’m not really sure I know exactly what it means because a song can bang in many different ways. For me, this song bangs hardest at the 2:48 mark where she wails “THE BEST IS YET TO CCHHAAAWWWHHHUM.” The overall effect is halfway between Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” and Kelly Clarkson’s “Because Of You.” The video is a little like what I imagine a bad acid trip at Burning Man is like—just like, a LOT of colors and wings and howling in the desert. The new album, Rainbow, is out August 11th. Welcome back, Kesha, you look great.



Silvia Killingsworth
The Hairpin

Editor of The @Awl and @thehairpin. Patron Saint of early bedtimes.