Reasons to Let This Dog In

Not ranked, necessarily.

Kelly Conaboy
The Hairpin
1 min readOct 21, 2016


  • He’s a very good boy.
  • He’s trying the handle.
  • He’s been inside before and knows the lay of the land, you won’t have to explain it to him.
  • He’s ringing the buzzer.
  • He’s OK with waiting patiently if that is what will get results.
  • He just wants to come inside.
  • He is your friend.
  • He doesn’t mean to be annoying but he’s ringing the buzzer more now, in case you didn’t hear it the first time, or maybe it’s broken where you are.
  • If you let him in he is going to be on his best behavior.
  • Got a big doggy head.
  • Not sure how much time has passed but in this scene it’s snowing.
  • He has a warm body and a kind heart.
  • He would really like to come inside.
  • He loves you.
  • The handle has worked in the past and there is no reason it shouldn’t work now.
  • Hello? Please.

