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The Hairpin
The Hairpin
Ladies first.
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Dream Job: Daily Mail Subhead Writer

by Chiara Atik

Chiara Atik is a writer who also refuses to be tamed/doesn’t seem to be domesticated/drinks olive oil.

Doofus Misses His Ex-Girlfriend

Want to talk about terrible emails that ruined our lives? This guy does, and here’s his:

 Well, I guess that shows me what kind of person you really are. I hope I never see you again, and had no idea that I had been going out with someone…

Good News About Mopping

I found the sentence we’ve been looking for:

An hour of pushing a mop across the floor and wringing it out in a bucket works off 238 calories, the equivalent of a chocolate bar or two small glasses of wine.

What’s That Smell?

Hmm, I’m smelling … smoke. And then also, like, things burning in general. Hair, I think. Burning human hair. Yeah, that’s what that is! Phew, it was driving me crazy.